On Thu, 15 Jan 2004 16:44:36 -0500 (EST)
Joe Budafuco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi:
> Just finished installing Kernel 2.6.1 and the Alsa
> module.
> Sound works great but everytime I reboot (and the
> modules are reloaded) the volumes are all set to zero
> and muted.  I have to run alsamixer and turn them back
> on.  Is there a config file for alsamixer that can be
> read when the module is loaded.  Looking at the man
> page for alsamixer I don't see and command line
> options that can set the volumes.

alsactl writes/reads the current settings to /etc/asound.state

Arrange for 
 alsactl store 
to run before shutdown and
 alsactl restore
on start up. 

The ALSA init script (mine is in /etc/init.d/alsasound) should do this
already, though.


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