On Sun, 1 Feb 2004 05:35:56 +1000
Mark Constable <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 01 Feb 2004 04:34 am, Florian Schmidt wrote:
> > http://mistatapas.ath.cx:8888/pcm_config_test.tgz
> > ...
> > -- alsa-lib pcm device config tester v0.0.1 --
> > usage: pcm_config_test <pcm-device-name> [options]
> >
> > options are:
> > --playback
> > --capture
> > --standard-samplerates
> > --samplerate-range x y
> > --standard-periodsizes
> > --periodsizes-range x y
> > --standard-periodcounts
> > --periodcounts-range x y
> > --formats
> > --accessmethods
> Very cool, it'll probably become a must have ALSA program. I'm
> not sure how realistic it is to do but if you could sneak in a
> --latency option as well then... even better.

Well, testing latency is a little different from just browsing around in
the configuration space of the device. I mean, it is possible to search
for combinations of periodsize/count/samplerate to find _possible_
latencies, but whether these work reliable is a different question and
would require a test with playback or capture of audio data..

Writing a test tool for that, which optionally also uses SCHED_FIFO
would be a good idea though, too. And if it automatically tried to find
the smallest overall latency that still worked reliable it would be even
better.. Ideas anyone? I am not really sure, if this is really possible
because finding the right combinations programatically can be tricky..


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