Howdy.  I have been futzing around with my M-Audiophile USB for way too long 
now trying to get it to work reliably under Linux and as luck would have it, 
my old Windows install blew up today so now I am totally fubar for recording 
my tracks until I get this fixed.  

Since the Audiophile USB does not work for recording and is proving flakey for 
playback regardless (works sometimes, not others and I do not know why) I am 
curious if anyone has any recommendations for USB audio interfaces that will 
work with the 2.6 kernel as well as ALSA?  My requirements are simple: stereo 
in / out with decent sound quality (CD is good enough but must have low noise 
floor).  MIDI would be nice but for now just being able to record my live 
griefer sessions would be enough to tide me over.   

I do not want to go for a PCI solution as I expect PCI to go away soon and USB 
is portable to any machine I have now or will have in the future.

I am thinking one of the simple Edirol UA* interfaces would do but I would 
like to hear feedback from folks using stuff for recording specifically 
before wasting more money on a non-compliant, poorly supported interface.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

It so sucks that the Audiophile USB is problematic as the sound quality is 
awesome.  Too bad the company is so unsupportive of Linux.


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