Ok, for the last week I've RTFM'd. I've wikid. I've looked through the
source. I'm at my wits end. For the love of everything thats holy to
geekdom, please read the follow and reply if ya can before I tear my
hair out :)

0000:01:06.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1
(rev 07)

Software: Alsa in 2.6.2 and 2.6.3rc1 (same results with both).

What I'm trying to do is enable the digital coax output (SPDIF) on the
back of the Soundblaster 5.1. I know this works because years ago, I had
a older Live 4 channel that I used to do the same with under the old OSS

So, I'm modprobing the module with:
modprobe snd-emu10k1 extin="0x3fc3" extout="0x1fff"

Note that I do NOT have the live drive hooked up (but I do ahve it
laying around somewhere). From what I've read in the docs and wiki, this
is the correct bitmaps for a 5.1 card with digital out.

Analog plays just fine through the front 2 channels. So I know the card
is working fine.

As far as cabling I have a MONO miniplug going to a single rca plug.
this is connected to the Coax in of the receiver.

For mixer settings I have No clue what to do. I've read umpteen
different things, and alot of the stuff I've googled seems to relate to
mizer settings before some of the names changed. Basicly, I have master
unmuted at 100%. Bass and Trebble are at 50%. Pcm is at 100% Surround is
at 100%. Cant mute it, I tried. Center, LFE and Wave are at 100%. cant
mute them either. Music at 100%. IEC958 Coaxial at 100%. ac97 capture at
100%. SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack [Off].

I've messing with every conceivible option including turning most things
off and toggling the SB Live Analog/Digital Output Jack on and off.

No matter what I do the analog jack never goes "off" (unless I turn pcm
or master down to 0). I would of thought enabling or trying to enable
SPDIF would mute the analog.. .but thats an aside and doesnt matter

What am I doing wrong? Help :(

Much thanks in advance,
Wayde Milas

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