Title: sblive: gameport, midi devices, midi ports, gmidimon


problem:  get midi in/out (externally) of my sblive.

in the past, i've used the midi/game port for external midi. lspci shows that it's there:

00:0d.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 01)
        Subsystem: Creative Labs Gameport Joystick
        Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 32
        I/O ports at 7000 [size=8]
        Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 1

pmidi -l shows that i have UART

72:0     Rawmidi 1 - EMU10K1 MPU-401 (U    EMU10K1 MPU-401 (UART)

question:  is this the game port?  if so, how do you know? if not, what is it?

assuming it's the game port (big assumption), i wanted to see if i can monitor midi events to/from it.  i've got a running copy of gmidimon, which is supposed to monitor midi events according to "midi input" which it lists by device, e.g:


cat /proc/asound/devices lists three "raw midi" devices which i believe correspond to those available in gmidimon:

40: [1- 0]: raw midi
41: [1- 1]: raw midi
42: [1- 2]: raw midi

i'd thought to use pmidi to send events to the UART port (72:0), like:

pmidi -p72:0 somefile.mid

and then monitor the corresponding device (/dev/snd/midiC1D0??) with gmidimon. but a) i'm not sure which *device* UART corresponds to (if it does at all), and b) i've tried monitoring all of the possible devices, and gmidimon displays nothing.

the larger question is: how to troubleshoot and get my midi/game port working if possible?

the smaller question is: how do i know which midi *ports* correspond to which midi *devices* (if they actually correspond at all).

many thanks in advance if you even get *through* this post. sheesh.

hawkeye parker

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