I'm a relatively newbie to alsa and kernel module loading in general so please be 

Basically, I have alsa setup and working for the most part with my ens1371 card.

(if I modprobe the card, sequencers, mixers etc., I can aplay a wav and it sounds 

The problem arises when I setup alsactl to save/restore my settings on shutdown and 
booting (I've done this by symlinking /etc/init.d/alsasound to files in 
/etc/rcX.d/XXXalsasound... I'm currently away from my computer so don't have the 
specifics regarding this right now, I can provide it if it's deemed important)

When booting, and alsasound invokes alsactl at each runlevel that I've setup in my 
symlinks above, a never ending, repeating burst of static noise can be heard on the 
left channel... if I use aplay I can also hear the wav in stereo.  I can 
/etc/init.d/alsasound stop and modprobe my card and everything works fine again (after 
resetting the mixer settings), but as soon as starting alsasound or more specifically 
alsactl, the noise reappears.

No errors appear in dmesg or the few other places I would assume to look.

I'm running Debian Sid with the latest official alsa .debs (1.0.3 I believe), I've 
built the driver modules from source.

Anyone have any ideas as to what's going on?


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