> the VU movements i get are on HW in 1/2 for input, and PCM out 1-9 for
> playback. these aren't affected by the patchbay settings.

The vu-meters have slider controls and mute buttons and L/R gang. These
affect only the digital mixer, so unmuting and setting the sliders up will
result vu-movement in the digital mixer meters. And if your patchbay has
HW Out set to digital mixer, you should hear it also. This way you can
hear input and output simultaneously (if you have unmuted the hw inputs

1010LT has also pre-amplifier for each input.

> > > should my patchbay have more than five columns? besides HW out, all the rest
> > > are S/PDIF, so i don't see how to access PCM out 1-8 and HW in 3-8.
> >
> > propably a misconfiguration here. It should show 8 out columns and 8 in
> > and two spfid columns. Does the 'Monitor Mixer' tab correspond to the
> > 'Patchbay/Router' tab, eg. does it also show lots of spdifs.
> no, they don't correspond - totally different lists. does this mean i need
> to become an .asoundrc hacker? :/

No asound magic needed. But I think I gave wrong answers earlier. The
patchbay should show only outputs columns, not inputs. Here is mine:


> > And what's do you mean by HW out and PCM out? They are the same?
> apparently HW out is the name of two channels (columns in the patchbay); and
> PCM out is a couple of options in those columns. in the mixer, i have 9 "PCM
> out" meters and nothing for "HW out". what is the relationship between them
> supposed to be?

Mixer has 8 PCM Outs, 8 H/W Ins,S/PDIF In L and S/PDIF In R


The vu-meters show what really happens in those Outs and Ins, and as I
said, the controls only affect the Digital Mixer.

> maximum inputs is indeed 8 (again, analog signal comes in on 1/2).

Strange, 1010LT has 8 inputs, so you should see all and get input on all
channels if you have signals coming to them.

> > Are you sure you have clean install of alsa? I have four spdifs in my
> > patchbay but I have tampered with the /usr/share/alsa/cards/ICE1712.conf
> > to get the spdif capture work with alsa 0.9.8
> i can't swear that any of the config is right. frankly it's daunting. if i
> knew what i were looking for i could try to repair it, but perhaps it would
> be better to steal a working asoundrc from someone else with this card.

Try knoppix.


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