On Mon, 10 May 2004 22:21:34 +0200
Bultje, R.S. wrote:

> Hi,
> From: Tim Sawchuck
> > Gst-editor will allow you to edit the gstreamer configuration
> > to choose alsasink instead of osssink.
> gstreamer-properties, rather. Part of the gnome-media package.
> You can also do it in gconf-editor directly; configure the key
> /system/gstreamer/0.8/defaults/audiosink (IIRC) to something
> like "alsasink".
> Regards,
> Ronald

Based on the other messages, I think this is a bit much for him. 


Mandrakelinux 10.1 Cooker - kernel 2.6.6-0.rc3.1mdk

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