On Tue, 2006-01-24 at 02:59 +0200, Sergei Steshenko wrote:
> We have already discussed this, here's yet another opinion:
> http://ask.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=06/01/23/214258 ->
> "
> This is why we need a kernel api and abi
> (Score:2)
> by Billly Gates (198444) Alter Relationship on Tuesday January 24, @02:03AM 
> (#14544582)
> (http://www.livejournal.com/users/sinistertim101 | Last Journal: Thursday 
> December 22, @08:27PM)
> Flamebait all you want from the moderators reading this belonging to the pure 
> gnu persusian but writing closed source drivers are tough for linux.
> Blame the manufactors? Its the FCC that forces them to not give out details 
> to hackers. Many other governments have similiar regulations on what hackers 
> can and can not do to wireless. The government doesn't want people takign 
> down airplanes are terrorists doing espianage on communication equipment.
> So they must stay closed source if they are an American company. Many 
> manufactors are now using software and creating win-wlan cards to save money. 
> Remember what happened to linux after modem makers only made software modems? 
> Samething with winprinters that make up the majority of printers today.
> Under windows you write once and most likely the drivers will work with 
> future versions of windows unless there is a major upgrade. That is because 
> of NDIS and kernel and software level api's and device driver kits for 
> windows.
> We need a consistant and stable abi's and api's for linux so hardware makers 
> can release the drivers for linux. Also old solaris drivers work just fine 
> under solaris10 because of consistant api's and abi's.
> I know VIA and several manufactors have requesting to Morton and Linus for 
> this feature even though it divides then linux community.
> ".

The Linux developers DO NOT WANT to make it possible to write closed
source drivers.  Many consider it a violation of the GPL.

He is also incorrect about wireless, there are plenty of wireless
chipsets with open drivers.


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