"V. Ananda Krishnan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> Have you ever had a look at descriptions of CD-audio plugins ?
> Well, I installed the xmms-1.2.10-9 from the RedHat distro CD 
> (RHEL4.0-U3). I went thru the options/preferences and configured:
> Input Plugins as CD Audio Player 1.2.10 (libcdaudio.so) with Playm mode 
> as  Analog and Volume control as OSS mixer.
> In the Output Plugin:
>   Audio device : UAC3556B: USB Audio(hw:2,0) (libALSA.so)
> Yet with all the above configuration(s) set, the output doesn't go to 
> the USB headphone.  Any suggestions?  Thanks for your help.

You need to set play mode to digital audio extraction *not* analog!
The rest should be ok, make sure your path to your CD is configured


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