Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding the Midisport 4x4. And i'll try to be as
complete as possible to place my question.

Now, the 4x4 is on the hardware list, and there it says that it is
supported, but in a discussion on the another list I came to the
conclusion that the 4x4 needs to load firmware.

Now i wonder how ALSA can say that it is GNU and it supports the 4x4
if the 4x4 needs firmware that is not distributed with the ALSA

Situation is that a distro (Musix in my case) includes ALSA, a user
(me, or someone else) get's himself informed and intrested. Then buys
a used 4x4, that supposed to be supported by the ALSA drivers, then
boots the distro (the Musix LIVE CD) and problems arise. The midisport
4x4 has no comunication with the software.

Please correct me if i'm wrong... i'm a newbie on all this. But this
is the way things are looking from my point of view right now.

Is this firmware essential? Or is there a way to get things working
without the need of 'loading firmware' to the box?

Please, do not punch the crap out of me right now...


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