On Mon, 07 May 2007 23:26:43 +0200
Peter Rabbitson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The reason I started digging for it was that skype was extremely
> choppy. I would be able to complete the test call as only one side
> would speak at a time, but a real conversation was a nightmare. First
> I suspected a duplex issue, but after your answer I tried
> arecord/aplay combo and it worked. So I looked deeper and found some
> references to asym. I decided to give it a try and created the
> following .asoundrc:
> pcm.card0 {
>   type hw
>   card 0
> }
> pcm.dmixer {
>   type hw
>   card 0
> }
> pcm.skype {
>   type asym
>   playback.pcm "dmixer"
>   capture.pcm "card0"
> }
> pcm.!default {
>   type plug
>   slave.pcm "skype"
> }
> Skype started working. However I needed !default to be a different
> card, so I just started testing different configurations of stuff and
> all of a sudden realized that skype _still_ works, no matter what I
> do. I removed the .asoundrc, emptied /var/lib/alsa, reordered modules
> so the skype card becomes card1, shut down the machine completely -
> skype still worked after everything I did. On one hand I got what I
> wanted, on another I am really irritated since I have no idea what
> happened, and how did the change become permanent. Could someone
> point me in the right direction? Thanks!

When trying to get a Chaintech AV710 working I noticed that alsa seems
to be stateful in just the way you did.  My changes would seem to have
no effect.  I think the way I worked around it was to get things set up
the way I wanted and then do /sbin/alsactl store <CR> and /sbin/alsactl
restore <CR>.  There are probably internal values stored and restored
by default.  Just an opinion as I am no expert on this.

> Peter

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