Well, it looks like I've managed to get alsa to cross compile properly 
for my ARM based TS7200 board.  I can play audio, but it's somewhat 
erratic.  The "aplay" command generates some random errors:

aplay: pcm_write:1088: write error: Input/output error
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:root# aplay -c 1 -t raw -r 44100 -f S16_BE tibetan.snd
Playing Sparc Audio 'tibetan.snd' : Signed 16 bit Big Endian, Rate 44100 
Hz, Mono
underrun!!! (at least 0.000 ms long)
underrun!!! (at least 0.000 ms long)
underrun!!! (at least 0.000 ms long)

aplay: pcm_write:1088: write error: File descriptor in bad state
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:root# aplay -c 1 -t raw -r 44100 -f S16_BE tibetan.snd
Playing Sparc Audio 'tibetan.snd' : Signed 16 bit Big Endian, Rate 44100 
Hz, Mono
aplay: pcm_write:1088: write error: Input/output error

Basically, aplay only plays a seemingly random amount of the file (which 
is about 3 sec long).

Is there a way to change the default buffer size for this device?  Any 
other possible optimizations?



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