Erik Slagter wrote:
> As imho pulseaudio doesn't add significant functionality if you're not
> using remote (over the network) audio, you'd be better off without it,
> i.e. remove all pulseaudio packages alltogether.

That must be a different pulseaudio to the one I'm using then.  The 
per-application mixer (pavucontrol) is very useful and being able to 
move a running stream from the normal output to the USB soundcard I've 
just plugged iis extremely cool (yes, I know I could just restart 
mplayer and tell it to use the different soundcard).   Sure, if you have 
either very simple (one soundcard, one well-behaved app) or very complex 
(jack) requirements then pulseaudio isn't going to help, but for 
anything in between it's way in advance of anything we've had before.


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