> is there a plugin which does the opposite of the "multi" plugin, i.e. it
> should duplicate a stream and have multiple slaves (one stream to multiple)?
> The reason I'd need this: default goes (over some corners) to the
> softvol plugin, which goes to route which encodes a A52 stream. Now I
> don't have headphones set up. What I'd like is the following:
>                                          /-- route -> A52
> default -> ... -> softvol -> duplicate -<
>                                          \-- hw0,0
> Where at hw0,0 my headphones are connected. How is such a setup possible?

Couldn't you use the multi plugin for this anyway?  If you bound "hw0,0"
and "route" in your diagram above to a single four-channel device, then
you could bind the incoming stereo signal to both the "front" and "rear"
speakers of the four channel device, effectively sending the same stereo
signal to the two devices.


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