> I think you would have to customize the driver to do this.  In the 
> special case that you are playing back the recorded input, you write the 
> input buffer directly to the output buffer every time the input buffer 
> interrupts because it is time to empty it.  Adds an extra branch in the 
> driver logic, and it has to know things outside of kernel space that it 
> doesn't know now.  Or if you are only going to use the card this way, 
> you always do it.  No need for extra branch or state knowledge.  Hey, if 
> you are going to customize drivers, why not make them really specific? 
> :-)
> The idea that Florian suggested, shrinking the latency by shrinking the 
> callback interval and increasing the frame rate is easier from user space.

Yes it is but as I said I don't want to increase neither the samplerate nor 
decrease the framesize since 48 kHz at 256 samples/frame is still ok in terms 
of network conditions. Otherwise effects of network jitter mess the stream up. 
So in turn I wouldn't mind having a *very* specific solution since this topic 
is in fact very specific.

Thanks for the help so far,

-- A l e x
Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Carôt
PhD Candidate
Tel.: +49 (0)177 5719797

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