
  The reason I need static programs is that want to run these programs 
on multiple
platforms and I don't want to require the libraries be installed. I 
already have
a problem running on FC5 ( my server ). The development platform is FC8. 
I get
seg faults sometimes on the server but it runs fine on my laptop.

  Thanks for your time.

John Haxby wrote:
> William Estrada wrote:
>> hi group,
>> Trying to rebuild my ALSA programs with static libs.
>> [snip]
>> but when I try with -static, I get this:
>> Code:
>> gcc  -g -O2 -static  -lasound -o volume volume.o 
>> /usr/local/lib/gcc/i686-pc-linux-gnu/4.3.2/../../../../i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld:
>> cannot find -lasound
> There isn't a libasound.a so far as I'm aware.    I would say that 
> it's unlikely that any distro would provide one since the alsa library 
> dynamically loads its various modules which rather defeats the object 
> of it being static.
> To be honest, unless you have a really, really good case for a static 
> executable you should avoid them anyway.   At the moment, I can't 
> think of a sensible use-case for static ALSA programs, although I'm 
> sure someone could!
> jch

William Estrada ( )
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