Does anyone have any idea about how to get sound working on the LGS1
notebook?  When I first boot it works for a few minutes but then quickly
disappears (although it continues to work through the headphone jack).

Sometimes it lasts longer then others.  I am certain there must be something
else that is loading and causing some kind of conflict.  I found the
information below a long time ago.

Any advice on how I can resolve this or what other information I can provide
would be a great help.  I find it encouraging that the ALSA change log for
version 1.0.11 to 1.0.12 specifically says that support was added for this
particular laptop.

I am running Ubuntu 8.10

Best regards,

Daren Krive

On Sat, Feb 14, 2009 at 2:17 AM, Daren Krive <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> Sorry in advance if this type of question does not belong on this list.  I
> am new to this.
> I have never been able to get sound working properly on my laptop under *
> any* Linux distro. I have the LG S1 (model QB01A9).  The sound works fine
> on the headphone jack but not on the internal speakers. I have read tonnes
> of suggestions with similar problems but none of the suggestions has worked
> for me.  I have an hda-intel sound card.
> After much digging I think I am finally on to something. I found on the
> site that support for the LG S1 laptop was added between
> versions 1.0.11 and 1.0.12. You can see the change log here:
> Ubuntu 8.10 has Alsa 1.0.17 so presumably this problem has been resolved.
> The change log (only says "*Add support for LG S1 laptop*" and then later
> "A*dded the model entry for LG S1 laptop*". This fills me with hope but no
> where (that I can see) does it say what that model entry is. I know that
> this has to go into my alsa-base file but what is the model entry to use?
> Perhaps I am not reading the change log correctly? Can someone help me out
> here? Perhaps I can email one of the developers?
> So close and yet so far....
> Best regards,
> Daren Krive
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