>> > Nevertheless, I guess these "static" problem is not related
>> > to the resample algorithm you are using - unless the problem
>> > is related to insufficient system resources. What CPU do you
>> > have?
>> I'm using an AMD64 Athlon 3.1ghz CPU.
> that one should have more than enough horsepower... (well,
> at least it is unless you're decoding some 1080p stream at
> the same time... 8:-)
> I was wondering if you were using some low-power/embedded
> system or the like. Clearly this is not the case.
>> When I bypass dmix in mpd there is no static, and when I don't
>> there is static, so I don't think it's performance related.
> surely it's not.
> (stupid question: do you really need dmix?  8-)

I think I do.  If I do this to disable dmix I get no sound:

pcm.!default {
type hw
card 0
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 0

> Again, what if you play directly to "plughw:x,y" with both
> /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc empty?

Do you mean run 'aplay file.wav' with those files empty?  I do get
static from that.

> Oh, one more thing... it might be that the problem is that
> you are resampling in the "wrong place".
> I remember I've got a problem *possibly* similar to your
> one (at least I've also got something similar to "static"
> like noise) when I tried to "duplicate" my output stream
> and send it to two different devices (sound cards) at the
> same time.
> Everything worked perfectly as far as I kept the output
> sample rate the same. As soon as I tried to upsample only
> one of the two streams (which unfortunately was exactly
> my ultimate goal), I got "static". :-(
> (maybe there is a solution to that too, but I was short
> of time and just gave up trying).
> BTW: isn't it possible to tell dmix to run itself at some
> specific (e.g. 96K) sample rate?

I've tried that like this with static:

pcm.!default {
type plug
slave.pcm {
type dmix
ipc_key 1024
slave {
pcm "hw:0,0"
format S24_3LE
rate 96000

- Grant

> May be the source of your problems can be the resampling
> done "in the wrong place".
> Of course Dmix has to run at some fixed rate and resample
> all incoming streams to that rate anyway to do his own job.
> Thus, instead of writing any custom/special rule (which is
> quite an error-prone thing, unfortunately), likely you may
> simply use defaults and only give some options to dmix to
> tell it which sample rate (and algorithm) to use.
> Check the alsa docs for an option like "default.rate",
> "dmix.rate" or such... there should be one.
> BTW: what if you disable (in the BIOS) and/or remove the
> alsa modules for your on-board sound card, if any?
> Perhaps you're incurring in a problem similar to mine:
> AFAIK there is only one dmix, thus in a sense you too are
> trying to feed two different cards at two different rates
> at once... :-?
> Ciao,
>                                Paolo.

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