On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 12:46 PM, Jason Tackaberry<t...@urandom.ca> wrote:
> Has anyone managed to stream any of the new lossless HD codecs (like
> Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio) via an HDMI output on Linux?
> I know that this isn't possible with SPDIF, but I'm hoping that the
> motherboards with integrated HDMI and sound (like Gigabyte's
> GA-E7AUM-DS2H motherboard) can make this happen.  And if the hardware
> supports it, a separate question is whether it's something that actually
> works in practice with ALSA?
> I'm more or less soliciting general feedback about people's experiences,
> and what hardware works or doesn't work.

I would like info on that as well, preferrably from first-hand user
experience.  I recently found out that alsa doesn't work with the
digital out on my mainboard (Asus M2NPV-VM) and there's nothing I can
really do about it so my only other option is to buy a mainboard that
is _known_ to be working.  Really sucks but that's the case it seems.

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