(First message, hello everyone!)

I can't use the rate_converter option of plug plugin, it gives me this  

"ALSA lib pcm_rate.c:1400:(snd_pcm_rate_open) Cannot find rate converter"

i get this error when trying to launch Alsaplayer from the console,
using this command "alsaplayer -d equalized" (see asoundrc below
for definiton of equalized). I'm on debian testing, all related packages
are up to date. libsamplerate and libasound2-plugins are installed.
related .so files are all checked to be in place.

Here is my .asoundrc file

Note that the mbeq_plugin part works all correctly on it's own. in fact
just commenting the rate_converter line works, of course with only
default resampling.

pcm.equalized {

   type                 plug
   slave {
        pcm             "mbeq_plugin"
        rate            48000
   rate_converter       "samplerate_best"

pcm.mbeq_plugin {
   type                 ladspa
   slave.pcm    "plughw:1,0"
   path                 "/usr/lib/ladspa"

   plugins [
       label    mbeq
       id         1197
       input {
                #bands   [ 50   100     156     220     311     440     622     
880     1250    1750    2500    3500    5k      10k     20k     ]
                controls [ -6   -4      -3      -2      0       0       -1      
-2      -2      -3      -3      -5      -5      -6      -6      ]

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