Hello Jaroslav!

You wrote:

> On Fri, 26 Mar 2010, Lars Bjørndal wrote:
>> The volume buttons up, down and mute, doesn't work from within the
>> console. How could that be fixed? Please note that I use Fedora 12,
>> and I don't use X.
> It's a bit different thing. The ACPI events are translated as
> key-press events to the /dev/input/event* interface. So you need an
> application (daemon) watching for these key-press events and modifying
> the volume using the ALSA mixer interface. The GUI programs do this.
> Here is a short program in python reading input events and translating
> them to amixer calls:
> =========== cut here ===================
> #!/usr/bin/python
> import struct
> import os
> # use 'evtest' program to determine right /dev/input device and code

It was event4 on my system.

> acpievents = "/dev/input/event1"
> fmt = 'iihhi'
> fd = open(acpievents, "rb")
> event = fd.read(16)
> while event:
>   (time1, time2, type, code, value) = struct.unpack(fmt, event)
>   if type == 1:
>     if code == 115:   # keypress VOLUMEUP
>       os.system("amixer -q -c 0 set PCM 10%+")
>     elif code == 114: # keypress VOLUMEDOWN
>       os.system("amixer -q -c 0 set PCM 10%-")
>   event = fd.read(16)
> fd.close()
> ================ cut here =============

Actually, this works. However, it is a bit annoying that, when doing
volume donw, a '~' (tilde) character is displayd on the screen, and the
terminal at the same time beeps. Please note that this behaviour also
exist when the scrit you provided is not running.


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