On Tue, 5 Oct 2010 09:30:37 -0400
Paul Braman <brama...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Sergei Steshenko wrote:
> >
> > Maybe these:
> >
> > http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Low_latency_howto
> > https://lwn.net/Articles/120797/
> >
> > can help ?
> That is certainly some interesting stuff but not entirely relevant to
> the discussion at hand. Currently, I do not have latency requirements
> for my recording sessions and my main argument was that, at either the
> ALSA driver level or the ALSA library level, there should be
> reasonable defaults that don't trigger xrun conditions.
> On the other hand, if this was something that just can't be done as an
> ALSA design, there should be some official way to *set up* defaults so
> that if I were writing an article on basic PCM recording in ALSA I
> could write it correctly.
> The problem is that there is no good way to discover or set these
> things that seems "official." There are semi-official suggestions of
> "set to maximum buffer and divide into four periods" or "buffer about
> a second and divide into about 8 periods." It all just tastes too
> wishy-washy for me. But, I'm only one person.
> Paul Braman

I gave the links because they also mention the issue of xruns. The xruns
issue, if I understand correctly, to big extent is solved by correctly
setting program priorities.

And no, you're not just one person.


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