Le Tue, 22 Jan 2013 22:06:46 +0100,
Dominique Michel <dominique.mic...@vtxnet.ch> a écrit :

> Le Tue, 22 Jan 2013 12:42:50 +0000 (UTC),
> User <pkt...@unlimitedmail.org> a écrit :
> > Hello, 
> > 
> > May be someone can have a clue to this problem:
> > 
> > ALSA on a SB Live! using kernel 2.6.xx is PERFECT.
> > No problems at all. 
> > 
> > **BUT** on the very SAME SYSTEM (same perms on /dev
> > /proc is fine and /sys is ok as well - and the same 
> > module loading sequence is used just fine) where THE 
> > ONLY UNIQUE diff is the kernel version.... 
> > 
> > Where version 2.6.xx is PERFECT, every version 3.x 
> > 
> > -- BUT!!!! note that this detail is driving me nuts...
> > 
> > - ALSA_OSS CAN!!! AND IS JUST PERFECT, where plain
> > ALSA tools (aplay, amix, etc) are just lost without 
> > a soundcard found..... ALSA_OSS IS WORKING JUST FINE.
> > E.g. kernel driver ok, devices ok.... but aplay rant:
> > 
> > - No soundcards found....
> > 
> > Did I miss something ? UDEV? or some new kernel parmameter
> > out of my understanding ? Perms are fine... the driver is fine...
> > 
> > But aplay rant is not... it can not "open" the sound device /dev
> > despite OSS can and ALL STUFF IS OK in kernel 2.6.xx just PERFECT!
> > 
> > Any hint is welcome.
> I think you must be much more specific. To begin with, which was the
> last working 2.6 kernel, and which 3.x kernel did you try?
> I am not a kernel guru, but I know that many core packages depends on
> the kernel headers. That imply that, in order to insure a good system
> consistency, you must install the kernel headers with every kernel
> upgrade, and recompile all the packages that depend on them. 
> Using the packages from a distribution will do those updates for you,
> but if you are upgrading the kernel yourself, you are on your own with
> this kernel headers problematic.

Of course, you can use the kernel headers from your distribution with
your own (rt-)kernel, but for that, both must be of the same

> If you don't make those updates, or
> make them in a non correct order, anything inclusive the most strange
> and hard to solve bugs can append, and bigger the steps between the
> kernels, more problems can, and will, arise.
> Also, you should run this script
> http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh
> and when prompted, upload the information and share the link with us.
> And last but not least: don't use a rt-kernel during compiling - gcc
> can crash, or worst, it can produce wrong code with them, that even in
> case of successful compilation. Use a vanilla or the recommended
> kernel from your distribution when compiling.
> Ciao,
> Dominique
> > 
> > Regards
> > Thanx.
> > 
> > 
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