Robert M. Riches Jr. wrote:
> I'm seeking suggestions for a low latency usb (or PCIE) sound
> interface (or card).  Or, maybe some good news that USB sound
> devices are generally reasonably low in latency.

All USB sound devices use the same driver and have almost the
same latency.

>     The above setup initially used Mageia 1 on the main machine, and
>     life was good.  Sound was essentially perfect.  However, when I
>     switched the main machine to Mageia 2, kernel
>     3.4.52-server-1.mga2, sound became hideously chopped.  Somewhere
>     around 25% or more of the sound samples are being lost due to
>     xruns.  Research into the problem showed snd_aloop was _NOT_
>     keeping time but would accept samples as rapidly as the playback
>     client would send them.

This sounds like a bug in snd-aloop.  Please try updating to
a modern kernel.


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