I bought an USB DAC from TEAC (device UD-H01 with chip TENOR 8802) and this,
with its own drivers, works perfectly under Windows7 and OSX ( I tried both
with 16 and 24 bit from 44.1 to 192Khz).
On my netbook which has Linux Mint last version and driver ALSA last
version, it works only at 16bit. While at 24bit, whatever is the frequency,
the sound is distorted and with many "clicks".
With Audacious I can't even select the 24bit option under Preferences.
On the web I've read about other users with this same problem and nobody was
able to solve it.
My last try is writing about this issue directly to the ALSA driver
developers, to understand if it could be possible to let this device work
properly under Linux, without turning back to Windows7.

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