3 apr 2014 kl. 21:28 skrev Daniel Mack <dan...@zonque.org>:

> On 04/03/2014 08:31 PM, Anders Genell wrote:
>> 3 apr 2014 kl. 17:54 skrev Daniel Mack <dan...@zonque.org>:
>> Thanks!
>> I might be able to set up an old laptop I have laying around with
>> e.g. Debian and with a VirtualBox running XP SP3.
> Ok. If you do, please take captures of the traffic that occurs when ...
> * The card is plugged in and initialized, without any audio streaming
> * The stream is started in all supported sample rates, some seconds
>   suffice
> * MIDI is received
> * MIDI is sent
> * Mixer settings are changed [*]
> * Clock settings are changed (WCLK/SPDIF/internal/...)
> [*] The mixer panel looks insane, it's probably necessary to tweak all
> possible switches, knobs and sliders in this panel:
>  http://www.marian.de/img/p_right_ucon_cx_big2.jpg

I'll have my work cut out for me then...
I'll see what I can manage. 

>>> It might be worth the effort, the hardware actually looks quite 
>>> advanced, according to the specs on their website.
>> I could grant remote ssh access if someone would give it a shot - I'm
>> not all that well versed in the usbmon-audio-device-communication
>> world...
> Thanks for the offer, but ssh is not really suitable for such things.
> After all, I can't hear anything over that channel :)

Oh, that's just because it says "ssh" as in hush. You will certainly hear 
better over another protocol :-)

Or I could shoutcast all channels on another machine? Maybe not. 

I'll try to start mucking about over the weekend. 


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