Rita, list,

On Apr 18, 2014 1:45 PM, "Rita" <rmorgan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> hi

Rita, could you tell us a bit about your PC? Processor, memory, version of
Linux, remind us which kernel you are running?

Do you have access to 1) another PC (even running windows at least to
ensure the modi is OK), 2) another USB cable?

Is your USB host controller USB 2,0 compliant?

In an earlier post you said your computer was bad. Can you be more specific?

> 1) yes, the .wav is on a hard disk. Its coming from a different

Is it possible to try it on the same partition as / ?

> 2) so, i stopped by browsers and everything else and I was able to play
my wav much longer without "aplay: pcm_write:1939: write error: No such
device". I played up to 4 minutes now. getting better :-) But eventually
got this error.
> 3) I have a USB keyboard hooked up to my USB ports and I don't think I
can take it out.

Can you connect a different keyboard?

Do you use an external hub?

Chris Hermansen · clhermansen "at" gmail "dot" com

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