Op Tue, 20 May 2014 13:05:01 +0200 schreef Tom G. <tomg...@gmail.com>:

> Hello all,
> I'm new at the mailing-list and I hope I'll get some help with my  
> sound-problem.
> For further information about the machine, hardware and ..., I send you  
> the ALSA-Information-Script.
> Many thanks in advance for helpful reply.
> BR
> Tom
> Manufacturer:      FUJITSU SIEMENS
> Product Name:      SCENIC P / SCENICO P
> Product Version:
> Firmware Version:  5.00 R1.03.1740

Without a name of the soundcard or sound chip we can't help you. Fujitsu  
Siemens made
a lot of desktop computers named Scenic or Scenico all with different  
sound chips.

Maybe http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/productselect.asp
can help you to find your exact computer name


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