Dmitri Seletski wrote:
> It came to my attention, that I can start process and pass some
> variable to ALSA upon execution, so it may change PCM for example.
> I took information from here:
> I tried it and it worked. However, it didn't work as expected for me. I
> was able to see rate is changing if I used various PCM with variable.
> So this part worked.
> I was able to check with /proc/asound/card0/pcm0p/sub0/hw_params file,
> it showed correct rate when I was using different PCM's.
> However, it seems that something happened to dmix,
> Some processes failed with "device busy" message, devices, who used
> default rate settings, to which I did not change rate with shell
> variable.

This is probably because those processes ignore the "default" device and
got directly to some "hw" device.

> My question, is, is there any user documentation to those three lines:
> @func getenv
>  default front

Not really.

> I want to know if function in question can be used in non !default
> device?



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