Hi I finally decided to post here to see if anybody can help me. I have
written an audio decoder application that streams audio packets from a file
(mostly mp3s), decodes and renders via ALSA. I setup the alsa hw in
interleaved mode, 2 channel (mp3 has two channels of audio), submit decoded
frames while keeping the buffer optimal in a play thread. But what I hear is
destorted audio, like the sound coming from an old cassette player when its
playing and you hit the fast forward button. However when I convert the mp3
into one channel with ffmpeg, everything plays fine, sound comes out from
two speakers. 

I am not sure if I understand what's going on. Since I set the device in
interleaved mode and I am providing the channel data as they are embedded
inside the file, do I need to do anything additional? I am using ffmpeg
streming APIs, I dont know if a particular channels data has to be sent to a
particular channel, besides, how would I do that? I am using snd_pcm_writei,
and there is no channel destination in the API. BTW the data is packed in 16
bits boundary. 

if anybody have any clue, please let me know. 



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