Hi Robin,

On Jun 27 20016 19:37, Robin Gareus wrote:
> On 06/27/2016 04:42 AM, Takashi Sakamoto wrote:
>> I've never used the 'freewheel' mode and I don't know exactly what it 
>> effects.
> jackd suspends (or pauses?) the soundcard and later resumes without
> closing the device.
> Freewheeling is used for example during export or bounce processing in a
> DAW: disconnect from the hardware, run as fast as possible (or as slow
> as needed) to export, then re-connect to the soundcard.
> As for the actual snd_ API that jack calls when en/disabling
> freewheeling these days, I don't know. To test, there's a commandline
> tool `jack_freewheel [y|n]`.


As long as the idea of 'freewheel' has an accompaniment of
stopping/starting PCM substreams, it's quite unsuitable to the unit
which has a quirk to disappearance.

Well, this is a good opportunity to see Robin. Let me report an issue of
jackdbus and libffado? An user saw SIGSEGV when using jackdbus on Ubuntu
14.04, read:

Re: [FFADO-user] [I'm a user and need support] Mackie Onyx 820i and
module snd_dice

When one of libffado API, ffado_streaming_prepare returns error, the
UNIX signal seems to be emit to jackdbus process.


I don't know exactly the reason, but you may some ideas to solve the issue.

Just for your information.


Takashi Sakamoto

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