On Sunday 24 June 2018 13:07,
info <i...@dressmaker.ca> put forth the proposition:
> I wish all my users have been migrated. Until then, is Fedora distro builder
> misusing ALSA? What do I need to tell them to either enable detection of
> attached front panel cables, or storing and properly restoring the volume and
> mute state? Saving is working, but then something overwrites the configuration
> during the shutdown or boot process. Unfortunately I cannot remove PulseAudio,
> and it is my understanding that all these systemd services are needed as
> crutches to let PA run.

It could be that pulse is restoring its own settings. I don't use
pulse either, but perhaps using pavucontrol and setting things up the
way they like will work and those settings will come back after a


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                                                            .--.  oo

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