On Sun, 2 Sep 2018, Caelia Chapin wrote:

> Anyway, I found a document entitled "Streaming desktop audio on Linux 
> without PulseAudio or JACK" ( 
> http://www.pogo.org.uk/~mark/trx/streaming-desktop-audio.html), which 
> seems to address my need, and I have followed the recipe up to the point 
> where you manually send the audio stream. Except that I am using mtrx ( 
> https://github.com/VittGam/mtrx) instead of trx. That's because I found 
> mtrx before I installed trx, and based on its name and the fact that the 
> code is more recent, presumably its author believes it is an improvement 
> on trx - and since I don't have the expertise to be able to 
> independently judge that claim, I just have to assume he knows what he's 
> doing ;-) .

I'm the author of that page. I wasn't aware of mtrx, but it seems to be a 
fork of my original trx code, but with all the original attribution 
removed, a bit of obfuscation through reformatting, and a new license.

> Anyway, I also tried trx when I ran into the issue I'm about to 
> describe, but the 'rx' program segfaulted when I sent the stream, so 
> that's probably not going to work.

If you're trying to interchange streams between the two applications then 
this is unlikely to work; though a segfault is unexpected.

I can state that trx does work; I use it every day in this manner.

If you can paste the exact output from trx (not mtrx) including the buffer 
underrun then I might be able to help guide you to which parameter needs 
changing, but it's likely to just be the ALSA buffer size. Make sure you 
are running with the correct realtime priorities if you want low latency.


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