On Sun, 2020-05-10 at 20:01 +0200, Maurizio M wrote:
> Hello excuse me, I am writing to you because I have a problem with your 
> application dedicated to RME HDSPe AIO sound cards. When I install Alsa 
> Tools Gui, both the HDSPE Mixer and the hammer icon called HDSPconf are 
> installed on the computer. Just this executable with the hammer called 
> HDSPConf, it doesn't start, there must be some bugs because it doesn't 
> work. Attention I use IBM Power architecture so I don't know if the 
> problem is specific to my architecture while on X86 it is not there. Do 
> you have news about it? Thanks


I bought my HDSPe AIO in May 2011 for exclusive usage with Linux.

[rocketmouse@archlinux ~]$ aplay -l | grep card | grep -v HDMI
card 0: HDSPMx579bcc [RME AIO_579bcc], device 0: RME AIO [RME AIO]
card 1: EWX2496 [TerraTec EWX24/96], device 0: ICE1712 multi [ICE1712 multi]
card 4: USB [Scarlett 18i20 USB], device 0: USB Audio [USB Audio]

On Linux I never got it working with anything, but the 2 analog channels
and just 2 of 8 ADAT channels. For testing purpose I installed Windows
and FreeBSD. The card is not broken, I know how to use TotalMix, I got
it running with all features and channels available, just not on Linux,
on more than just one machine. It suffers a lot from latency and xrun
issues, but is still usable for pro-audio usage, if not more than 4
channels are required. When using Ardour it does not work with plain
ALSA, you must use jackd. YMMV!

HDSPConf can't be used. You need to use alsamixer and hdspmixer.


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