Hi all,

I've noticed my laptop (Panasonic CF-53; Realtek ALC269VC) which has
stereo headphone output and microphone input sockets, can have its
microphone input switched to a stereo line input mode.

This is handy indeed as I often use an analogue audio input (various
tasks… sometimes its interfacing to a radio transceiver for digital
modes, sometimes it's capturing audio off a cassette tape or vinyl
record so I don't lose access to said audio when player bites the dust).

Prior to this I was using a USB audio device (C-Media CM6317-based)
which was ripped out of a broken AU$30 USB record player, and this
started misbehaving yesterday… going through `pavucontrol` I was able to
switch the on-board sound card so that the mono microphone input was now
a stereo line input (at the cost of audio out going via HDMI, thankfully
I'm using USB audio for monitoring anyway).

Only quirk is that left and right channels were swapped -- easy enough
to fix in hardware (audio source here uses RCA jacks, so just swap them

I don't see anything obvious in `alsamixer`, and so far my searches on
the topic have turned up nought.  What voodoo is PulseAudio doing to
achieve this?
Stuart Longland (aka Redhatter, VK4MSL)

I haven't lost my mind...
  ...it's backed up on a tape somewhere.

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