Dear Paul,

Am 28.04.21 um 13:15 schrieb Paul Koster:

Hope you can help with me this. Got myself a brand new HP ENVY
all-in-One with B&O speakers built-in. No sound at all whereas all
controls and settings seem to work without hiccups. Turns out a GPIO pin
needs to be set. Found this out using hda-analyzer python script. Now I
execute this script on start-up to make it work:

/usr/bin/hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC0D0 0x01 SET_GPIO_MASK 0x04
/usr/bin/hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC0D0 0x01 SET_GPIO_DIRECTION 0x04
/usr/bin/hda-verb /dev/snd/hwC0D0 0x01 SET_GPIO_DATA 0x04

The strange thing is, when I close applications using sound, the system
goes mute within a minute or so and I have to run hda-analyzer to toggle
the 'enable' settings of this GPIO pin.

For now I run the gnome settings widget at startup, displaying the sound
settings and running the hda-verb commands above. This seems enough to
leave the sound on.

Nice analysis.

Is there a better solution to work around this GPIO pin issue?

Yes, it should be fixed in the Linux kernel. Please create an issue in the Linux Bugzilla [1] as described in [1], and attach the `` output there.

Kind regards,


PS: I recommend to only buy systems with official GNU/Linux support like Google Chromebooks,, System76, Dell, Lenovo (and probably others). That way the right companies get your money.


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