For that matter, which ALSA source files do the parsing ? From my old/distant memories, ALSA is silent about mistakes made by user when the user provides various configuration files. So, there must be a way to resolve the issue of silent ignoring of user mistakes.

A possible temporary solution would be to "trace" (e.g. by inserting diagnostic print statements) parsing of provided by user configuration files, and to implement this one has to know where to insert the diagnostic print statements, and that's why I'm asking the question.


On 7/16/24 18:57, Takashi Iwai wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jul 2024 08:09:21 +0200,
Xinhui Zhou wrote:
Dear all,

    I am having a question regarding how to specify 'champ' for a
plugin.  I do not see any examples of this. I tried many ways to
specify but failed.

   As indicated by the link below,   I can specify the MAP as a string
array.   Can someone provide one example on how exactly this    [chmap
MAP]  can be specified?

" {
         type cras
     [chmap MAP]     # Provide channel maps; MAP is a string array

I can something like these, but none of these work for me.

chmap LFE
chmap "LFE"
chmap FR,FL,LFE
champ "FR,FL,LFE"
You need to define a composite array, e.g. pass like
     chmap [ "FL,FR" ]

For multiple configurations, you can put more items such as
     chmap [ "FC" "FL,FR" "FL,FR,FC,LFE" ]



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