Received: 2/19/08 4:30:35 PM 
From:  Softball Ontario <ssutton(AT)> 

Subject:  Host a Softball Ontario Clinic in your Community  





CONTACT:      StephanieSutton
                     (416) 426-7150

DATE:           February 19, 2008 



 NORTHYORK, ON- Softball Ontario is pleased to announce itsclinic
line-up for the 2008 softball season.  Our goal is topromote
and develop the sport of the Softball for it athletes, umpires,coaches,
scorekeepers and volunteers by providing clinics for all levels
ofcompetition.  Softball Ontario offers clinics and programs
to ensure thatOntarians have the skills and knowledge to participant
in our greatsport.  Our line up includes: 

NationalCoaches Certification Program 

Learn to Coach(officiallycalled Community Sport- Initiation)
- is perfect for all entry-level includingT-ball coaches, Coach-Pitch
and Learn to Play.  This clinichas been designed for the inexperienced
volunteer Mom and/or Dad communitysoftball coach who is working
with children or youth aged 4 to 8 years old.

KeepCoaching(officially called Community Sport- On-Going Participation)
- is ideal for themore experienced house league/recreational
and select coaches. This clinic replaces Softball Ontario “Grassroots
Clinic” and has been designed forthe community softball coach
who is working with children or youth aged 9 andup.  

Competition-Introduction, Softball- is designed for the competitiveand
rep level coaches and is mandatory to be able to coach at the
provinciallevel and national.  This clinic replaces the old knowledgebased
NCCP Level 1 and Level 2 Technical/Practical and Theory programs.

SoftballOntario SpecialityCoaches Clinics 

Softball Ontario CoachEducation Clinics are excellent way to
expand your coaches knowledge andprovide hands-on and interactive
clinics.  Clinics include:

Hitting forCoaches- this clinic provides detailed instruction
tocoaches the art of hitting a softball.

Drills, Drills,Drills- this clinic provides coaches of all levels
helpful tipson creating and implementing drills for their athletes.


JuniorDevelopment-is designed to provide inexperienced umpire
between theages of 12-16 with basic introduction to officiating.

Intermediate-was developed for young officials betweenthe ages
of 15-18 to be able to officiate at house league games and to
preparethem as they advance in their umpiring career. 

Level1-This clinic is considered to be beneficial to allUmpires.
 It is important to know the proper Mechanics andRules prior
to stepping on the diamond. 

Level 2SP- This clinic is phase 2 of Umpire Certification. Umpires
wishing to advance and to start officiating at certainprovincial
championships are required to attend this clinic. 

Level 2FP- This clinic is phase 2 of Umpire Certification. Umpires
wishing to advance and to start officiating at certainprovincial
championships are required to attend this clinic. 

Refresher-This new and improved clinic will includediscussion
on advanced rule interpretations, new rules and will feature
an indepth questions and answer period.  This course is bestsuited
for the advanced umpire who has completed their Umpire Certification.

Rules forCoaches-For four hours, your association could have
your very ownperson qualified umpire to discuss rule information


BasicAccurate scorekeeping is important for naming award winners,
applying forscholarships and even in deciding the outcomes of
games. This clinic deals with all notations needed to keep score

Advance-Anyone who compiles team or league statisticsshould attend
the Advance Scorekeeping clinic.  This clinicrecaps the basic
scoring notations and teaches how to summarize and balance ascore-sheet.

Refresher- This clinic reviews the information in theadvanced
clinic for those who may have forgotten some notations or who
hasbeen away from the game for a while. 


Pitcher/CatcherClinics- There might be a player on your team
that may need some polishing ontheir skills.  This hands-on clinic
covers: Warm-ups, grip, speed, throwing, windmill pitching, technique,
catchingand much more! 

Softball SkillsClinics- Softball Ontario is committed to providing
proper development of novice and advancedplayers.  Participants
attending the clinic are taught:batting, catching, base running,
throwing, bunting, base strategies and muchmore! 

Associations interestedin hosting a Softball Ontario should visit
the Softball Ontario website to download
a SoftballOntario Clinic Bidform. 

Do not pass up on theopportunity to improve the quality of your
association by providing valuabletraining for all members of
the team. 

If you have anyquestions about Softball Ontario Coaching, Umpiring
and Minor Developmentclinics, please contact Steph Sutton at
ssutton(AT) or by calling416-426-7150. 

If you have anyquestions about Softball Ontario Scorekeeping
clinics, please contact WendyCathcart at wcathcart(AT)
or by calling416-426-7150. 

Softball Ontario isthe governing body for the sport of softball
in Ontario. Our goal is topromote and develop the sport of softball
for its athletes, officials andvolunteers by providing programs
and services at all levels ofcompetitions.




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