------Original Message------
From: kyle.sm...@ballparkradio.com
To: Jim Flanagan
To: Blair Setford
To: Al (John Allen) Doran
ReplyTo: kyle.sm...@ballparkradio.com
Subject: Championship
Sent: 20 Jun 2010 14:13

Alvinston - 8
Kitchener - 0

WP - shaun winship - 5IP 0R 5H 5K
LP - ryan shannon - 4IP 8R 5ER 10H 1K 3BB

Alvinston - 
Ryan Swift - 2-3 - single and double
Rowan Lam - 2-2 - 2 singles and a walk
Ryan Chapman - 2-3 - 2 singles

Kitchener - 
Brent Kron - 2-2 2 singles
Kevin Hurley - 2-2 2 singles

Joe Triest tripled to lead off the bottom of the 1st - Chris Drew than had a 
sac fly to score the winning run.
Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

Sent from my BlackBerry device on the Rogers Wireless Network

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