The 2011 playoffs
in the Rick McDonald Memorial Fastball League got underway Wednesday
night in Whitefish Lake . Both series are best of five affairs
..In the opener, the defending league champs the North Stars
scored 6 runs in the first two frames on their way to a 11-4
dumping of the host Whitefish Lake First Nation Falcons . John
Ainslie (1-0) this year’s league top pitcher (2nd consecutive
year) went the distance scattering 7 hits , striking 3 batters
and not issuing single base on balls . Troy Nootchtai (0-1) 
also went all the way for the Falcons giving up 12 hits and issuing
4 base on balls . The game was called after five innings because
of the seven run mercy rule . Mike Cain of the North Stars who
finished off the regular season in a strong fashion continued
his hot bat in leading his troops with a perfect 3 for 3 (double)
at the dish with teammates John Ainslie going 2 for 3 (double)
and Joel Belanger hitting 2 for 4 while Brandon Biederman hit
2 for 3 including a two run homer for the Falcons in a losing
cause .Sid Nebenionquit also hit a solo home run for the Falcons
. Just prior to the start of the game , this year’s recipient
of the rookie of the year , Brad Matheson of the North Stars
was awarded with a plaque ..
                                                 In the nightcap
, the Pickerel River Cardinals , behind the excellent pitching
of their ace Jonathan Contin defeated the Swick Hounds of Garson
7-2 to take a 1-0 lead in their best of 5 series . Jonathan Contin
(1-0)  absent after almost a full four weeks went the distance
in pitching an excellent 2 hitter , striking out 9 batters and
not issuing a single base on balls . Gary Lamothe (0-1) also
went the distance for the Hounds giving up 13 hits , fanning
7 batters and not issuing a single base on balls . Several fielding
errors were the downfall of the Hounds . They committed no less
than 5 errors in the middle frames and their bats were not there
when they were needed . The Cardinals who finished off the regular
season struggling came ready for the playoffs . Veteran Percy
Tobobundung led the hitting attack for the Cardinals going 3
for 4 (double) with teammates Craig Brown 2 for 4(triple) ,Jonathan
Contin 2 for 3 ,Alex Ashawasagai 2 for 2 (double) and Earl Contin
2 for 4 (double) also well contributing while Dan Bidal hit 1
for 2 in a losing cause for the Hounds .Just prior to the start
of the game this year’s recipient of the outstanding eldersman
, Ed Brennan of the Cardinals was awarded with a plaque ..
                                                   Play will
resume in series “A” between the Falcons and the North Stars
tonight in Garson at the Lorne Brady Memorial Park . The game
has a 7 PM start . The North Stars look to take a 2-0  stranglehold
in this best of five affair . Series “B” between the Hounds
and the Cardinals will not resume till Monday August the 15th
in Azilga (9 PM) at the Rick McDonald Memorial Park ..
                                                   All teams
in town and elsewhere are reminded to confirm their entry in
the 6th Annual Brad Rienguette “Shamou Shoot Out “ Northern
Ontario Ladies and Men’s Fastball Championship up coming a
week from this coming Friday( August 19th to 21st ).
Keep fit ! Lets walk ! Lets Jog ! Enjoy your day !
Yours in fastball ,
Roger Legendre        league head statistician and public relations
See you on the fastball diamonds !
 Al's Fastball News
*Email: fastball(at)pmihrm.com
NEWS-1: http://www.AlsFastball.com/
NEWS-2: http://fastpitchwest.com/alsfastball
2011 ISC World Tournament in Quad Cities, August 14-20:

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