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-----Original Message-----
From: Trevor Botting <>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2011 20:43:34 
To: Als List<>
Subject: Photos

We tweeted this to you but just in case, here is the full email.

Hello all,

First off, thanks to everyone for making the trip to New Dundee for this
year's OCC. I just wanted to send a quick email to the team contacts with a
link to our Flickr stream for the weekend. A big thanks goes out to our
three volunteer photographers, Mike Kitchen, Timm Vera, and Trevor Botting,
for capturing the action throughout a very cold weekend. Trevor has kindly
amassed those images that were of sufficient quality to post and they can be
viewed at

Unfortunately, given our volunteers' other commitments, they weren't able to
get images of every team and there were more of some teams than others. We
apologize to those teams that we weren't able to capture.

Blair and Joe, I've taken this email list from one of your earlier emails.
Could you double-check to ensure that all the teams are represented here, as
I didn't have contact with individual teams in the lead-up to the event?

Lastly, if anyone has constructive feedback on how the tournament was run,
please direct that to me. This was the first tournament the Selects have
ever organized and we think things ran reasonably smoothly, but are
certainly open to feedback. Have a great offseason, everyone.

Mike Brown
Host Committee
Kitchener Selects

Alsfastball mailing list

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