Al's Fastball News
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>--- Original Message ---
>From: Roger Legendre <>
>To: "Al Doran" <>,  <>
>Date: 6/26/2012 7:51:40 AM

Quinton Sealy Remax Fastball League

Play resumed in the Fastball on Thursday evening in Garson at
the Brady Memorial Park.

In the opener, we had our first tie of the season as the First
Nation Seminoles and they Dog House played to an 8-8 draw. A
total of five pitchers were used that of 3 by the Seminoles and
two by the Dog House.

. For the Seminoles it was Ed Brennan , Alex Ashawasagai and
Al Guenette .They combined to give up 11 hits , 8 runs ( 4 unearned)
, issuing four base on balls and striking out 5 batters while
the duo of trio of Moe Martel and David Ashawasagai of the Seminoles
gave up 8 runs (all earned) on 5 hits . Alex Jason hit a solo
home run for the Seminioles while Tyler willet went 2 for 4 at
the plate for the Dog House .

In the nightcap , a high scoring affair , the league leading
North Stars got the better of the Hounds of Garson 15 to 10 .
Brad Matheson started for the North Stars but gave way to Mike
Greslow in the fifth frame . Both combined to give up 10 runs
(7 earned) on 7 hits issuing one base on balls and striking out
5 batters . For the Hounds it was Todd Parsons going the distance
fiving up a whopping 15 runs (all earned with the exception of
one , 9 hits and 4 base on balls .Joel Belanger went 2 for 3
at bat for the North Stars while Corey Farmer hit 2 for 2 in
losing cause for the Hounds ..

Play resumes in Azilda on Monday night June the 25th when in
the opener the North Stars will tangle the Seminoles and in the
nightcap at 9 PM , it’s the Hounds facing the Dog House

Here are the players f the week of June 18th to the 21st :

A] Toppers players of the week : Toppers defensive player of
the week is Bryan Welsh of the Garson Hounds while the Toppers
offensive player of the week is John Miners of the North Stars

B] Pro Am Sportswear players of the week both demonstrating team
sportsmanship on and off the diamond : they are Moe Coutu of
the Seminoles and Corey Farmer of the Hounds.

C] Kingsportswear play of the week : excellent caught ball from
the outfield by Eric Legendre of the Hounds

D] Dog House players of the week : Angelo Anselmo of the Dog
House and Dan Bidal of the Hounds

Important tournament deadlines

1. The Brad Rienguette/Shamou Shoot Out that was always held
in late August has been changed to July the 20th to 22nd due
to to the Ingtermediate B/C now being slotted in August . The
deadline for entry into the Brad Rienguette is July the 14th
. Cheque in the amt of $380 made out to Northern/Shamou Shoot
Out and email your roster to . The cheque
mailed to Roger Legendre/Northern Roger Legendre 968 Jeanne D'Arc
Hanmer Ontario P3P 1RN . Possibility of a ladies division this
time around .

2. The Intermediate B/C deadline has come and passed ..

3. 5th Annual Parry Island Hawks Fastball Championship to be
held on the weekend September the 14 to 16th . The entry fee
is $400 ..Deadline for entry is September the 10th . Send money
to (Roger Legendre for cheque) and same address as #1 .

Yours in fastballl ,

Roger Legendre

League head scorer and statistician

League publicity liaison/advisor

Chairperson for Brad Riengette ,Intermediate B/C and 5TH Annual
Parry Island Fastball .

Attached photos from recent game


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