

Thanks for your comments, please see the reply inline below.



Wang Aijun

Network Infrastructure Research Division

Network and Service Research Department

China Telecom Coporation Beijing Research Institute


发件人: richard.al...@gmail.com [mailto:richard.al...@gmail.com] 代表
Richard Alimi
发送时间: 2010年4月17日 2:26
收件人: wangaijun
抄送: alto@ietf.org; su...@ctbri.com.cn; zho...@ctbri.com.cn; Likai;
主题: Re: Is it possible to incorporate "server notification" mechanism into
current ALTO protocol


I believe that this is now a question for the WG (since it is a WG

document), and should receive comments from more WG participants

than just one of the draft's editors.


However, I can give my personal opinions (my initial thoughts at

least) on that may need further

consideration before being incorporated.  I don't mean to imply that

_if_ something were to be included we must have all of the details

worked out, but we should be reasonably comfortable with the scope of

such a mechanism.


(1) For what entities can an ALTO Client register for notifications?

Network map changes? Cost map changes? Changes to only a subset of the

maps (e.g., as returned by the Map Filtering Service)?  Endpoint

properties? Endpoint costs?  How specific or general do you envision

this notification mechanism to be?


Reply: Generally, any change of network condition/policy can lead the update
of cost map or network map, so it is appropriate to design the notification
mechanism as one for general purpose, that is to say, any change in network
condition  will trigger the server notification message. Once the ALTO
clients receive this notification message, they can get their specific
interesting ALTO information via the current ALTO query/response message,
with the help of Map Filtering Service.

For information about Endpoint costs and Endpoint properties, we think they
should be dealt by p2p tracker or p2p application themselves, the ISP should
not consider these things because they are not relevant to the network(there
are also a lot discussion about the appropriate usage of these information,
whether it is beneficial or not has not been decided yet.).


(2) How "persistent" is the registration for notifications?  Does an

ALTO Client simply register for the _next_ network event, and is

expected to re-register after receiving this particular notification?

Or, does an ALTO Client register for notifications for all future

network events (in which case, a mechanism for un-registering must

also be provided)?


Reply:  It is apparently that the ALTO server should aware the state change
of registered ALTO clients. The re-reigster process as you described is more
appropriate. But according to our current draft, it is unnecessarily to
redesign the re-register message: when the ALTO server send one
notification, it is expected the ALTO client will send one query message
immediately or in short time(this time can be configured). This query
message can be treated as one re-register message. If the server does not
receive any message from the listed ALTO Clients, then it will be deleted
from the register table in ALTO Server.


(3) What happens if the ALTO Server cannot reach a particular client

that registered for notifications -- is it permanently removed from

the notification list?  What if there is a network failure between the

ALTO Server and ALTO Client - is the ALTO Client expected to somehow

detect this and re-register for notifications?


Reply:  When the ALTO Clients startup, it will first query the ALTO server.
Once the ALTO server receive this query message, it will register the ALTO
Clients’ contact information(ip addresses/ports pair). If the ALTO server
does not receive the new query message after its notification message, the
ALTO client will be removed from the notification list. The client can
re-activated the register/notification process by sending the query message
in any time.   


(4) I see in the draft that you mention "In order to improve the ALTO

server's efficiency, only P2P tracker and application server will be

notified by ALTO server."  How do does the ALTO Server know which ALTO

Clients are P2P trackers or application servers?  Is there a whitelist

maintained by the ALTO Service's provider?


Reply:  Here the application server is mainly referred other Client/Server
style application, in which the application server can notify its client for
the change of network information. The ALTO server need not distinguish the
differences between them.


You also mention below that "For tracker-less application, if one PID

head was elected as described in draft


the notification mechanism can also applied to it."  Looking back at

this draft, I think you are assuming that the ALTO Server maintains

state information about the particular P2P swarms -- this would

require a radical shift from the current direction of the ALTO

Protocol and the multiple solution proposals that fed into it.  My

personal preference would be to keep P2P swarm information out of the

ALTO Server; an alternative method for the P2P application would be to

utilize a different mechanism such as a DHT.


Reply: Currently, our draft is mainly for tracker-based p2p application. It
is more complex in tracker-less environment because the ALTO clients that
are embedded in p2p clients are very unstable. One alternative solution
except the above proposal is that let the ALTO clients/p2p clients decide
whether they need the notification or not themselves. If it is true(for some
stable p2p peer), they can register directly to the ALTO server, or else
just use the traditional query/response mechanism. 


Another architecture for providing notifications (if they are needed

in only certain deployment scenarios) is to define it as a separate

protocol.  "Notification servers" could be deployed separately (either

physically or logically separate) from the ALTO Servers. Notification

servers could be responsible for performing more frequently polling

the ALTO Server to look for changes, and a notification mechanism can

operate between the Notification Servers and ALTO Clients.  The same

protocol could even be used between Notification Servers, and be used

for distributing notifications in a distribution-tree-like fashion.

Of course, this would not provide "realtime" notifications (in the

sense that it still operates as a polling mechanism), but I just

mention it as another possibility for consideration that might satisfy

your particular design goals.



Reply:  This architecture has the same pros and cons of our embed solution.
The current notification mechanism will not lay much extra burden to the
ALTO server, the notification protocol between ALTO servers and
distribution-tree-like fashion can still be designed accordingly, because in
realty, the network information will come authoritatively from one
administration point for one ISP and the ALTO servers will be deployed in
distributed in future.





Richard Alimi

Department of Computer Science

Yale University


2010/4/16 wangaijun <wangai...@tsinghua.org.cn>:

> Hi Alimi,


> We have discussed about our

> draft(http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-sun-alto-notification-00.txt) for

> time in IETF meeting in Anaheim. It a pity we did not get the chance to

> illustrate the prepared ppt(see attached file)in this meeting.


> After this meeting, I discussed your comments with my colleagues, and we

> still think the "server notification" mechanism should be incorporated

> the current ALTO protocol. It may act as one optional implementation, and

> mainly aim at the tracker-based environment. For tracker-less application,

> if one PID head was elected as described in draft

> http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-ikpark-alto-virtual-p2ptracker-00.txt,

> the notification mechanism can also applied to it, on the assumption that

> has the public IP address. These implementation can certainly reduce the

> burden of the ALTO server and let the ALTO clients get the ALTO

> timely. This eventually will let the p2p traffic to keep up with the

> adjustment pace of ISP's policy.


> Wait for you and other interested persons' comments. If possible, we can

> discuss it in the coming " Interim Virtual Meeting " or next IETF plenary

> meeting.


> Best regards.


> 王爱俊

> 网络业务研究部 基础网络研究室

> 中国电信 北京研究院

> Tel: 010-58552347


> Wang Aijun

> Network Infrastructure Research Division

> Network and Service Research Department

> China Telecom Coporation Beijing Research Institute





> Today's Topics:


>   1. Interim Virtual Meeting (Enrico Marocco)



> ----------------------------------------------------------------------


> Message: 1

> Date: Thu, 15 Apr 2010 15:36:11 +0200

> From: Enrico Marocco <enrico.maro...@telecomitalia.it>

> Subject: [alto] Interim Virtual Meeting

> To: "alto@ietf.org" <alto@ietf.org>

> Cc: "Vijay K. Gurbani" <v...@alcatel-lucent.com>

> Message-ID: <4bc7164b.2080...@telecomitalia.it>

> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


> Hi all,


> as mentioned during the last meeting, we plan to have an interim WebEx

> meeting between Anaheim and Maastricht. The date we have identified is

> June 16, but it may still be subject to change.


> In particular, we would like to focus the meeting on progressing the

> work on the protocol document, info redistribution, deployment

> considerations and v4/v6 issues. If anyone would like to propose other

> topics, please check well in advance with the chairs.


> An official email from the IETF secretariat will follow in the following

> weeks.


> --

> Ciao,

> Enrico

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