
As said some time ago, I do support the idea. It is much better structured and 
simplifies processing (at both sides, I'd say) And it posseses a taste close to 
the good-ole MIME types I cannot avoiud to appreciate.

Will go through the detailed text later and provide comments (if any) but let's 
get the ball rolling!

Be goode,

On 15 Feb 2013, at 21:23 , Wendy Roome wrote:

> To return to this issue, I suggest we unify them, so that we have Cost
> Types -- period. The "Mode" becomes a property of the Cost Type. So if a
> server provides numerical & ordinal routingcosts, it provides *two*
> separate Cost Types, say "routingcost" and "routingcost-ord".
> I believe the result will simplify both clients and servers, and make it
> easier for servers to introduce additional cost types.
> My suggestion is to extend the Information Resource Directory with a list
> of definitions for each Cost Type the server supports. Each Cost Type
> definition would give the name of the Cost Type, the mode, and other
> attributes. Currently the Information Resource Directory is a dictionary
> with one item, "resources". So I propose adding a second item named
> "cost-types," whose value is a list of cost-type definitions, as in
>  "cost-types" : [
>    {
>      "name" : "routingcost",
>      "value" : "number",
>      "mode" : "numerical",
>      "measures" : "delay",
>      "description" : "Standard routing cost",
>    }, {
>      "name" : "hopcount",
>      "value" : "number",
>      "mode" : "numerical",
>      "measures" : "hops",
>      "description" : "Simple hop count",
>    }, {
>      "name" : "routingcost-ord",
>      "value" : "number",
>      "mode" : "ordinal",
>      "measures" : "delay",
>      "description" : "Ordinal routing cost",
>    }
>  ]
> Then pretty much delete every reference to a field named "cost-mode".
> To get the ball rolling, I've attached proposed replacements for
>       Section 5.1. Cost Attributes
>       Section 6.7.2. Encoding Section 6.7.3. Example
> If those don't survive the list server, let me know and I'll put them up
> on a web server.
> If y'all like this idea, I'd be happy to help with the editing.
>       - Wendy Roome
>> Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2013 23:08:23 +0000
>> From: "Reinaldo Penno (repenno)" <repe...@cisco.com>
>> Subject: [alto] ALTO Protocol Outstanding Issue II: Unifying cost-mode
>>      and cost-type to a single type
>> Discussion II: Unifying cost-mode and cost-type to a single type
>> e.g., routingcost-num and routingcost-ord
>> Having a single type simples the protocol since there is just one
>> parameter when indicating cost. But it will impact current
>> implementations and might loose flexibility.
>> Proposal: Leave it as is.
>> Thanks,
>> Reinaldo
> <sect-5-1.txt><sect-6-7-2.txt><sect-6-7-3.txt>_______________________________________________
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"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

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Tel:    +34 913 129 041
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