Hi Wendy,

Thanks for resolving the consistency issue. Please see below.

On Aug 9, 2013 11:16 AM, "Wendy Roome" <w.ro...@alcatel-lucent.com> wrote:
> I have a few questions about required resources that need to be clarified,
> especially in the case of multiple network maps.
> 1. {10.1.1} says that a server MUST provide at least one full Network Map
> resource. If a server has multiple network maps, it can satisfy that
> requirement by providing a full NM resource for one map -- and it doesn't
> have to be the default map -- and filtered network map resources for the
> others.
> I'm not a big fan of requirements, but I do think a network map isn't very
> useful unless the server is willing to give the full map. So I suggest
> changing {10.1.1} to say, "An ALTO Server MUST provide a Network Map
> resource for each Network Map."

In -17, there is no "uses" for a filtered network map. Hence, one may not
know from which base NM a filtered NM is derived. So with your proposal, if
we require that each filtered NM MUST have a "uses" to declare the base NM,
the problem is solved. Do I understand it correct?

> 2. {10.1.2} says that a server MUST provide a full cost map for the
> "routingcost" metric. I think that's reasonable for the default network
> map. But must a server provide that for every network map?
> I don't think that's necessary, so I suggest changing {10.1.2} to say, "An
> ALTO Server MUST provide a Cost Map resource for the ¹routingcost¹ Cost
> Metric, using the default Network Map."


> 3. Must an ALTO Server provide a full Cost Map resource for every cost
> metric it defines? Eg, suppose a server provides a Filtered Cost Map
> resource for "hopcount". Must it also provide a Full Cost Map for
> "hopcount"? I don't think that's necessary, and I don't think draft 17
> requires that.

I also agree with this.


> So if anyone thinks that should be required, speak now or forever hold
> your peace.
>         - Wendy Roome
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