
Just to add to the discussion. I found a unified framework highly appealing
and your proposal is a great starting point! I support that we develop it


On Fri, Jun 5, 2015 at 11:28 AM, Wendy Roome <w.ro...@alcatel-lucent.com>

> Lingli,
> My "Unified Approach To Properties" proposal was independent of yours: you
> proposed new properties, I proposed a new framework for accessing
> properties. The two proposals complement each other, rather than compete
> with each other.
> I have not filed a draft for it, though. I came up with the idea too late
> to submit a formal draft for Dallas, so I just presented the slides.
> Unfortunately, the audience's response was less enthusiastic than I had
> hoped, and it seemed like there were other more pressing issues, so I did
> not bother to formalize the proposal with a draft.
> But I still think it is a good idea. If anyone thinks this is worth
> pursuing, please let me know!
> - Wendy Roome
> From: Lingli Deng <lingli.d...@outlook.com>
> Date: Wed, June 3, 2015 at 02:54
> To: Wendy Roome <w.ro...@alcatel-lucent.com>
> Cc: "alto@ietf.org" <alto@ietf.org>
> Subject: Question about unified framework for properties
> Hi Wendy,
> I am currently working on a revision for draft on Extended endpoint
> properties (I.D-draft-deng-alto-p2p-ext),  and noticed there is concern
> about potential overlap during last meeting with your proposal on a unified
> framework for properties.
> I am afraid that I was not there for the onsite discussion, but after
> reading your slides, I feel it seems to be orthogonal with endpoint
> properties. What do you think?
> BTW, I could not find any draft for the proposed framework. Are you
> working on such a document or is there anybody else doing this? If so, I
> would be happy to read it and double check its relevance with or effect on
> our work on endpoint properties.
> Regards,
> Lingli
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