Hello Vijay,
Happy new year!!!

Just a quick comment to your question about implementations of ALTO-SSE

There is a related work "Steering Hyper-Giants’ Traffic at Scale" [0] where
ALTO is used as a northbound interface in a *real operational environment
at scale*.
The authors mention the SSE extension (but I am not sure if this extension
was also tested).

Best regards,

Danny Lachos

[0] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/h7QJRu47NbTvfcnW2fveFqCBRdw

On Mon, Jan 6, 2020 at 4:32 PM Vijay Gurbani <vijay.gurb...@gmail.com>

> All: Happy new year.
> In preparation of moving alto-incr-update-sse ahead, I have performed a
> chair review of the work.  Overall, the document is well written, mature,
> and considers various design tradeoffs.  This is fairly mature work, and we
> should move it out of the WG following the resolution to the review below
> and an additional review by Jensen Zhang [1].
> --- Begin chair review
> I am curious --- are there any known implementations of alto-sse?
> -S10.1: This is an important discussion.  However, this discussion is
> written primarily from a viewpoint of an ALTO client, but if I understand
> it correctly, it should be written from the viewpoint of an ALTO stream
> server since it is the stream server that is generating the event since
> that is the source that should be told to behave conservatively.  Should
> this section be re-written to exhort the stream server to send out full
> cost maps in chunked format, where each chunk is at most 2,000 octets?
> That way, the clients are not overwhelmed.  Thoughts?
> S3: It is rather unfortunate that one of the services is named “Stream
> Control Service” as this may be conflated by the uninitiated reader with
> the Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) service, a transport layer
> protocol.  Clearly, that is not the intent here.  However, I am loathe to
> suggest a new naming scheme this late in the document publication phase, so
> perhaps the best we can do now is to add a note explicitly disassociating
> Stream Control Service of ALTO from SCTP.  Perhaps something like: s/from
> the update stream./from the update stream. (Note that the Stream Control
> Service in ALTO has no association with the similarly named Stream Control
> Transmission Protocol [RFC4960].)/
> S4: The phrase “Using existing techniques wherever possible,” implies that
> you have used other, perhaps new techniques at other places.  Is that the
> case?  If so, please enumerate the new techniques; if not, perhaps reword
> as s/Using existing techniques wherever possible,/Using existing
> techniques,/
> -S4.2.1: “This document adopts the JSON merge patch message format to
> encode incremental changes, but uses a different transport mechanism.” ==>
> Not sure how to interpret this.  Since alto-sse uses the HTTP PATCH method
> to affect incremental updates, it uses the same “transport mechanism”
> (i.e., TLS).  Perhaps you meant “...., but uses a different HTTP method,
> i.e., it uses POST instead of PATCH (details in Section 5).”?
> -S4.2.1, page 10: s/, and (3) assigns a new tag to the network map:/, (3)
> leaves “PID3” unmodified, and (4) assigns a new tag to the network map:/
> -S6.1: Is there some magic about the numbers “1” and “2” assigned to
> substream IDs?  In other words, must substream IDs begin with 1 and
> monotonically increase?  If so, state that.  If not, then state that
> substream IDs must begin with a random number between [1, 10] and
> monotonically increase from there on for each new substream.  That is, if
> the first substream ID is 6, then subsequent substream IDs from the client
> should monotonically increase from this starting value.  (I will let the
> protocol designers come up with the exact text to impart this.)
> -S5, page 16: s/this design allows/this document allows/
> (Overworked use of “design”: “...flexible protocol design, this design…”).
> -S10.1: s/single character array./character array./
> -S10.1: s/client computer/client/
> --- End of chair review
> Additionally, the work has also been reviewed by Jensen [1].
> Authors, please attend to the comments indicated in this review and
> Jensen's review and release a new version in order to move the work forward.
> [1] https://mailarchive.ietf.org/arch/msg/alto/C9_tS44bz7kq84Z3cpZZkMeUDFc
> Thank you.
> - vijay
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