Hello Chunchan,

Thanks a lot for your responses. Please see additional comments inline.
Hoping the message gets through the ALTO mailing list as well,
Best regards,

From: chunshxiong(熊春山) <chunshxi...@tencent.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 7, 2020 11:27 AM
To: alto@ietf.org
Cc: Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay) 
<sabine.randriam...@nokia-bell-labs.com>; Y. Richard Yang <y...@cs.yale.edu>
Subject: RE: Re: [alto] Welcome your comments on new 
draft-huang-alto-mowie-for-network-aware-app(Internet mail)

Hello Sabine,

Please see my response inline.

It seems that there is something wrong from the alto wg mailing list. I include 
you and Richard in CC and hope you can receive the email directly. And  I will 
write an email to the alto chairmans.

Chunshan Xiong

From: Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay) 
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:45 AM
To: chunshxiong(熊春山) <chunshxi...@tencent.com<mailto:chunshxi...@tencent.com>>
Cc: 'Richard Yang' <y...@cs.yale.edu<mailto:y...@cs.yale.edu>>
Subject: FW: [alto] Welcome your comments on new 
draft-huang-alto-mowie-for-network-aware-app(Internet mail)

Hello Chunshan,

Please see my response in the e-mail below. I initially have put the ALTO WG 
mailing list in Cc but my e-mail has been rejected.
We may want to let the WG chairs know about this. In the meantime, we can 
continue our discussion off-line and bring it back to the ALTO mailing list 
when the issue is solved.

Best regards,

From: Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay)
Sent: Monday, May 4, 2020 8:41 PM
To: chunshxiong(熊春山) <chunshxi...@tencent.com<mailto:chunshxi...@tencent.com>>; 
Subject: RE: [alto] Welcome your comments on new 

Hello Chunshan,

Thanks for your responses,
Please see inline,
Best regards,

From: chunshxiong(熊春山) <chunshxi...@tencent.com<mailto:chunshxi...@tencent.com>>
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 1:26 PM
To: Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay) 
Subject: RE: [alto] Welcome your comments on new 

Hello Sebine,

Thanks a lot for your comments.

Please check my responses inline...

Chunshan Xiong

From: Randriamasy, Sabine (Nokia - FR/Paris-Saclay) 
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 11:19 AM
To: chunshxiong(熊春山) <chunshxi...@tencent.com<mailto:chunshxi...@tencent.com>>; 
Subject: RE: [alto] Welcome your comments on new 
draft-huang-alto-mowie-for-network-aware-app(Internet mail)

Hello Chunshan Xiong,

Thanks a lot for bringing these 5G use cases to the ALTO WG, and for the 
comprehensive description of related experiments. Indeed apps such as Low Delay 
Live Show are getting highly important in the current context of confinement, 
where classes are all getting virtual and interactive. The challenges faced by 
networks are an additional motivation to further optimize traffic  for such 

I would like to initiate discussions on section 5  "Standardization 
Considerations of MoWIE as an Extension to ALTO", where  some key 
considerations are provided.

1 - Regarding item "Network information selection and binding consideration": 
indeed, a flexible mechanism deciding which metrics an ALTO client should query 
will allow to support a variety of applications and contexts,  that may each 
require a particular set of metrics.  Such a mechanism, that prepares input to 
ALTO Client requests,  will use the IRD information, starting with the list of 
available cost metrics.
- Did you identify particular IRD features that need to be added or upgraded to 
support flexibility for ALTO Client requests?
[Chunshan Xiong] currently, based on my understanding, the validity time (or 
freshness time) of the network information is needed.
[ [SR] ]  The ALTO Performance Cost Metrics extension that is being specified 
indeed, does not mandate to provide such information. There is a discussion on 
information “freshness”, for metrics that impact the QoE and whose values 
change at a significant frequency and in an unpredictable way. For future 
extensions, it may be interesting to start a discussion on the pros, the cons, 
the how to convey such a freshness property in a reliable and light way.
[Chunshan Xiong] Thanks to provide these background information, I think the 
validity time information is an important parameter and needs to be considered, 
also I agree with you that more discussion are needed to reflect this new 

- What type of flexibility is otherwise missing in ALTO information resources?
[Chunshan Xiong] Now the wireless network (e.g. through NWDAF and other 
devices) can collect wireless link and network information for radio station 
and other types of network elements, and also supports applications to access 
these information through a standard interface. Our Server application can 
query and get network information with standardized HTTP-based message, which 
is comparable with ALTO query and response. The standardized HTTP-based message 
even support the server push mechanism after the new information is available 
(i.e. the network information value is changed) which is also comparable with 
the Alto SSE mechanism.
 Alto resources based on the “static” network map are used to select a path or 
end point to communicate from a set of paths or end points , the selected 
resource can be used to save the network resource and improve the APP QoE. But 
the path characteristics (i.e. the network characteristics) are often changed  
in the mobile and wireless network. So select a “right” path(or end point) is 
not enough. For the 5G cloud based services with mobile edge servers 
provisioning, the path may be very simple as "end user->gNB->PSA->mobile edge 
server”, it may not possible to "switch" to another path.
Rather how to adapt the policy based these path inforamation is more important.
[ [SR] ]  Does this mean the application would like the possibility to switch 
to another path or at least to have some details on specific parts  in the path 
to see whether this path is OK?
[Chunshan Xiong] In this paper , we only consider how to leverage the network 
information to further improve the application QoE along a path, but we don’t 
preclude support to switching to another path, but however, we would like to 
start from single path at the beginning and path switching is not the target of 
this paper.

Maybe it is not the “flexibility” problem, but I think how to get the real-time 
path(or network) characteristics is needed.
[ [SR] ]  What frequency would “real-time” correspond? This relates to point 2 
below on how frequently network information updates are needed.
[Chunshan Xiong] Yes, the frequency of real-time information needs to consider 
some different dimensions:1) the characteristics of the information; 2)the load 
introduced. 3) how the application uses this information to improve the QoE.

2 - In item "Compact network information encoding consideration": the 
processing overhead due to frequent updates especially for cellular networks 
raises a key point regarding future ALTO extensions. Definitely, ALTO is 
currently not meant to provide information at such a frequency.

- A first aspect to investigate in the ALTO WG may be requirements for reliable 
cellular network information. In particular: at which frequency does an 
application need to update network information?  In which extent can cellular 
network information be aggregated over time and still be reliable for an 
application? All this considering several applications and  several metrics.
[Chunshan Xiong]  We support different kind of network information acquisition 
based on either the 3GPP standardized interface and messages e.g. via NEF/ 
NWDAF or vendor's solutions. In our initial test, the applications gets the 
network information in per 1s. It doesn't necessarily mean that the frequency 
MUST be at this grain. This frequecy is  just to test how much pressure the 
wireless access and network can bear with information exposure to applications. 
In many practical deployment network, we notice that in many cases information 
such as MCS often remains relatively stable at the level of 30 seconds and even 
sevel minutes. Therefore, we do not have to make particularly frequent requests.
[ [SR] ] This is quite good news. Providing information updates to applications 
every 30 seconds seems achievable and even a higher frequency should be doable. 
Of course, it depends on how many Clients are querying ALTO Server information, 
and how frequent queries in cellular networks can be moderated by a smaller 
area and thus number of querying applications.
[Chunshan Xiong] To support ABR-based MPEG-DASH, per  5s  of network bitrate 
information query/updates may be needed.  For high interactive application like 
cloud gaming, a further shorter time of information query/updates will be 
helpful, but will introduce load to the 5G network and the application server.

Some network information which is not changed so often can be also HTTP pushed 
to the server without frequent query.
[ [SR] ] Indeed, and that further motivates the provision of a hint on how 
frequently the exposed information is changing
[Chunshan Xiong] yes.

The current pure application level measurement and adaption is really fast. The 
main reason is that the application is not clear about the network change model 
and how frequently the network changes.
[ [SR] ] Does it mean that application level information is fast when no 
network information is processed?
[Chunshan Xiong] When no processing of network information, it need to execute 
application level "blind"measurement fastly.  But with the help of  network 
inforamation, frequent application layer measurment can be reduced.
[ [SR] ] I would have another question: do we know how less frequent ALTO 
information queries would be, compared to application layer measurements? Maybe 
it depends on several factors?

Let me know if I understand correctly: even without ALTO-provided network 
information, the application needs to perform “blind” application-level 
measurements. Because these measurements need to be frequent, it still consumes 
time and processing resources while at the same time being network agnostic. 
The application then can only “notice” that something is going wrong but cannot 
anticipate or adapt its behavior. Using ALTO instead, the application gets the 
network-awareness that allows to adapt its policy or e.g. bit-rate or 
compression method. Therefore, even if getting ALTO information introduces some 
network load, this is largely compensated by the fact that this network-aware 
adaptation will prevent QoE degradation, connection failures or resource 
consuming (re)connection attempts, which is an issue in cellular networks.
If this reflects your point above, it is a very important motivation to define 
ALTO extensions that are specific to highly dynamic networks such as Cellular 
networks, where the frequency of the information exchange is compensated by the 
fact that the network is local and smaller.

If we have MoWIE information in time, application layer moniortoring is 
therefore reduced.
[ [SR] ] Does it mean that application layer monitoring is reduced when network 
information is provided and replaces application layer information?
[Chunshan Xiong] Application Layer information is still needed e.g. it can 
provide some application specific information to improve the QoE, e.g. 
information on the buffer in the client APP. However the number of application 
layer measurement can be therefore reduced.
[ [SR] ] I see.

- Another consideration on this item: very frequent network information 
updates, if predicable may be conveyed in Calendars with SSE updates for 
unexpected changes, but this is still near real time.  One way around is to 
investigate extensions that may combine ALTO information with "conditional" 
real-time information, obtained with other means. A first attempt in this 
direction is proposed in “ALTO Contextual Cost Values” [1]  where ALTO  
Calendar values are further interpreted with real-time parameter values 
acquired by other means. This is preliminary work and does not directly provide 
real-time cellular values but we may look at what can be extended in the 
design, to support cases for very frequent network information updates.
[Chunshan Xiong]  It is a good idea, I need to improve this direction research, 
and get help from you and Alto team. Our work is just a start point, and need 
help to improve the work and the paper.

I look forward to hearing your presentation at the interim meeting.
Best regards,

[1] https://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-randriamasy-alto-cost-context-03.txt

From: alto <alto-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:alto-boun...@ietf.org>> On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, March 10, 2020 2:35 AM
To: alto@ietf.org<mailto:alto@ietf.org>
Subject: [alto] Welcome your comments on new 

Hello all,

A new alto draft 
is submitted.

In this paper, we uses the network information of Mobile and Wireless 
Information Exposure (MoWIE) to adapt key control knobs such as media codec 
scheme, encapsulation and application logical function to improve the QoE. We 
provide some detailed testing and evaluations. And we discuss how MoWIE can be 
a systematic extension of the ALTO protocol, to expose more lower-layer and 
finer grain network dynamics.
We spend a lot of time and testing to produce this paper, welcome your comments 
and we will update the testing and improve the paper based on your comments.

Chunshan Xiong

alto mailing list

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