Hello Qin,

Thanks for the feedback!

Regarding to the recharter proposal, we attended the discussion quite long time 
(though quite a lot are not the WG level but within design team).  The bullet 
you referenced indeed in our view is just for information and may not end up 
with a WG document.  So this is indeed not our expectation:-)

o Report back to the Area Director to identify any use cases that have strong 
support and a realistic chance of implementation and deployment.

So, regarding to your proposal to spit into different documents, thanks for the 
proposal but we will evaluate and discuss within design team and decide whether 
to continue.

Meanwhile, for coordination between 3GPP and IETF, indeed there is official 
LSes always between these two SDOs, but the LS normally is based on the 
progress on standards work related to each other. The ongoing 3GPP R-18 new 
study/work item selection sees great interest in ( interactive) application 
network coordination for different kinds of companies. If IETF ALTO does not 
continue to study the new protocol to support the new services, even if 3GPP 
sends LS to IETF, we may not be able to address it properly.
In 3GPP Rel-17, 44 companies from global area support advanced interactive 
services related work ranked as high priority topic during work item 
prioritization.   From a service provider perspective, it is also very clear to 
us how important it is to optimize the user experiences for such important and 
popular scenarios like cloud gaming etc.  It is really a pity that some of the 
interested companies may not come to IETF but it really doesn’t mean such use 
case are not dominant.  In future we can consider to ask more companies to come 
to IETF or ask their 3GPP team to align with IETF team:-)  Regarding to new 
wheels, we think there is very clear spit/boundary between 3GPP and IETF thus 
such cases can probably be avoided easily.  Anyway, this is something in the 
future and we can come to IETF when proper.

So, again thanks for Qin’s response and we do hope ALTO  is actually addressing 
how state-of -the-art dominating application and network can coordinate to 
improve user experiences.

Thanks a lot!


Chunshan Xiong

From: Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com>
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2021 8:14 PM
To: chunshxiong(熊春山) <chunshxi...@tencent.com>; IETF ALTO <alto@ietf.org>
Cc: alto-cha...@ietf.org; Zaheduzzaman Sarker <zaheduzzaman.sar...@ericsson.com>
Subject: RE: [alto] WG Review: ALTO Charter Update(Internet mail)

Thanks Chunshan for your input and comments on charter proposal, see reply 
发件人: chunshxiong(熊春山) [mailto:chunshxi...@tencent.com]
发送时间: 2021年5月11日 16:40
收件人: Qin Wu <bill...@huawei.com<mailto:bill...@huawei.com>>; IETF ALTO 
抄送: alto-cha...@ietf.org<mailto:alto-cha...@ietf.org>; Zaheduzzaman Sarker 
主题: RE: [alto] WG Review: ALTO Charter Update(Internet mail)

Hello WuQin and working group,

I provide our views on this recharter.

Firstly, we think ALTO is an IETF WG to standardize the interaction between 
application and network, initially for P2P application and now it is a good 
chance to continue optimization to support these new interactive services like 
Cloud Gaming, XR/AR, V2X application etc.
[Qin]: I agree to support further evolving of ALTO protocol.
To support new application and introduce further optimization for ALTO 
protocol, we need to get more implementation deployment and experience to help 
us better understand which piece works, which pieces not needed, which pieces 
need to be redesigned. ALTO protocol is initial designed for P2P, later on CDN 
application, it is generic protocol, Do we have P2P specific features that need 
to peel off? To get this question answer, we propose the first work item and 
the second item and will create wiki page to keep track of related 

Secondly, we have been working together with colleagues from network operator, 
network vendor and academy et. al. for quite long to perform ALTO-oriented 
research and also real network testing which have already show very clear 
benefits and we contribute MoWIE to this WG 
  We think the listed items, i.e. the generic protocol extension for policy 
attributer, proposed as the high priority for recharter proposal in IETF#110 
ALTO shows rough consensus to some extent. If ALTO WG doesn't continue these 
topics explicitly, it is very regretful and we really feel disappointed about 

[Qin]: Please see the latest charter proposal, last work item we proposed based 
on list discussion
o Report back to the Area Director to identify any use cases that have strong 
support and a realistic chance of implementation and deployment.
New use cases documentation is encouraged, especially the use cases for new 
emerging applications as you mentioned, AR, VR, Cloud gaming, which have strong 
For MOWIE, I think the same question applies here, i.e., which part are 
research based, while which part are not,
thanks for sharing 3GPP activity on Network Capability Exposure, I think this 
is something related to what ALTO can do.
We need to better document these requirements and use cases from other SDO, I 
would suggest to split MOWIE into three document,

1.      Use Case Document

2.      Requirements Document

3.      Implementation report
The requirements Document will summarize the general requirement from each use 
cases. These requirements also require endorsement from some standard body such 
as 3GPP.
Implementation report, we have many good example for implementation report such 
RFC2329 provide a good example for OSPF implementation report. We need a 
similar report for ALTO protocol.
RFC5657 even provide Guidance on Interoperation and Implementation Reports

Thirdly, there have been more and more interests in these interactive services 
from many SDOs including 3GPP and IEEE etc. In year 2020, IEEE has setup up a 
new working group related to cloud gaming. In 3GPP since 2019 we have led 
Rel-17 5G_AIS (Advanced Interactive Services) and also we are driving another 
new Rel-18 study item in 3GPP to further enhance interaction between 
application and network for these interactive services from network 
perspective. If IETF can have corresponding standard activities (as 3GPP and 
IEEE are working on network and lower layers), that would be great for 
standards synergy and Internet ecosystem. Otherwise, it is really a pity that 
we missed a very important technical direction in Internet.

[Qin]: That’s a good example on how 3GPP coordinate with IEEE on new service 
standardization work. I think Coordination between 3GPP and IETF is also 
I think we need to better understand

1.      the requirements from 3GPP regarding Network Capability Exposure.

2.      Whether these requirements can be addressed by ALTO protocol

3.      We also need to make sure there is no overlapping or invent new wheel.
This can be resolved by liaison exchange or continue discussion on these use 
cases on the list and through virtual meeting.
I would encourage other proponents to follow the similar approach and document 
your use case and collect implementation experience and report from it.
Hope this address your comments and concerns.

Therefore, we sincerely hope ALTO can re-consider such way forward.

Chunshan Xiong

From: alto <alto-boun...@ietf.org<mailto:alto-boun...@ietf.org>> On Behalf Of 
Qin Wu
Sent: Saturday, April 24, 2021 12:06 AM
To: IETF ALTO <alto@ietf.org<mailto:alto@ietf.org>>
Cc: alto-cha...@ietf.org<mailto:alto-cha...@ietf.org>; Zaheduzzaman Sarker 
Subject: [alto] WG Review: ALTO Charter Update(Internet mail)

Dear Martin and working group,

Thank you for the useful rechartering discussions on the mailing list and at 

I have listened to the people who say that further protocol work needs to be 
based on strong deployment needs, and I also hear very many different use cases 
proposed. I think we need more discussion and understanding to work out which 
use cases are high priority and which are more research-based.

This makes me think that we need a small short-term recharter to allow us to 
work on immediate issues (protocol maintenance, operational support) while we 
discuss and investigate the best uses cases for further work.

So I propose this as our new charter with input from our AD.


Application-Layer Traffic Optimization Working Group Charter Update

The ALTO working group was established in 2008 to devise a request/response 
protocol to allow a host to benefit from a server that is more cognizant of the 
network infrastructure than the host is.

The working group has developed an HTTP-based protocol and recent work has 
reported proof-of-concepts of ALTO based solutions supporting applications such 
as content distribution networks (CDN).

To support current and future deployments of ALTO, the working group is now 
chartered for the following activities:

o Provide a place to collect implementation deployment and experience. It is 
hoped that implementer and deployers of ALTO will report their experiences on 
the mailing list, and the working group will track implementation and 
deployment reports on a wiki or in an Internet-Draft.

o Perform protocol maintenance for the existing published protocol. It is 
anticipated that questions and issues will arise concerning the existing 
protocol specifications: The working group will develop and publish updates as 
necessary to resolve any interoperability, performance, operational, or 
security, or privacy problems that arise. The working group will also help 
resolve any errata reports that are raised. This work item might be addressed 
by discussions and reviews, or might require additional RFCs.

o Develop operational support tools for the ALTO protocol. Based on experience 
from deployments, the advice in RFC 7971<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7971>, 
and considering the latest opinions and techniques from the Operations and 
Management Area, the working group will develop tools to configure, operate, 
and manage the ALTO protocol and networks that use ALTO. This may include YANG 
models and OAM mechanisms. The working group may also update RFC 
7971<http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7971> in the light of new experience and 
protocol features that were added to ALTO after that RFC was published.

o Support for modern transport protocols. When work on ALTO began, the protocol 
was supported using HTTP version 1. Since then, the IETF has developed HTTP/2 
and HTTP/3. The working group will develop any necessary protocol extensions 
and guidance to support the use of ALTO over HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.

o Future use cases. The working group will provide a forum to discuss possible 
future use cases. The objective of this discussion will be to determine a small 
set of use cases that have strong support and a realistic chance of 
implementation and deployment. The working group will not develop protocol 
extensions for these use cases until it has been re-chartered specifically for 
that purpose.

At the conclusion of the OAM and HTTP2/3 deliverables, plus completion of any 
adopted drafts emerging from the other work items, the working group will close 
or recharter.

Milestones and Deliverables:

  *   Conduct a survey of working group participants and the wider community to 
discover ALTO implementation and deployment experience. Record the results in a 
publicly visible wiki.
  *   Develop and standardize at least one OAM mechanisms to support ALTO 
including a YANG model for configuration and management of YANG servers.
  *   Perform an analysis of ALTO over HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 and publish a support 
document. Develop any necessary protocol modifications.
Please comment here on this draft charter proposal.

-Qin (on behalf of chairs)

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